It was a muggy Saturday afternoon, west North Carolina. The sun was high and the temperature higher, a big canvas of blaring blue sky overhead. The excitement in the air was palpable, an almost tangible sense of anticipation. What would the day hold? How would our fearless shooter fare in her first competition?

A 12-pointer. 12-point shot that is, not a 12-point buck, because as you can see, this deer has no antlers at all. Excellent shooting, Honey. Bringing home the bacon. Erm, doe meat.
Let's see the pro in action from beginning to flawless end.

Kill shot.

I gotta tell you folks, you don't wanna cross this woman when she's got her Rampage handy. I mean we're all aware of her skills in an indoor range with known distances, but this was a whole new sport. Her first time competing in an outdoor 3D range, and here she had to try her best to gauge the distance at each target, and despite all the varying, unknown distances across different terrains, shooting uphill and downhill, navigating through trees and the wind to reckon with, and without any practice shots....

...she rarely missed her target.
Location:South Mountain Archery
whaoo there! You Brianne must have Robin Hood blood in you!