Green: Brianne Murdock
Blue: Dustin Murdock
Normal Color: The Murdocks
Memorial Day!! SUPER WONDERFUL FANTASTIC DAY!!! Dustin doesn't get a whole lot of time off with his work so we decided to take advantage of the all the opportunities a short work day had to offer.

After a successful morning to mid afternoon at work we decided to spend the day playing :D at the lake :D it was wonderful.
Ward BBQ= Always a good idea.
We didn't think to take pictures till we were driving away but here the park that's only about five mins from our home that was the gathering place for the ward party.
Good, free food and friendly faces after a day at the lake was the perfect evening of a perfect day.
Only to be topped off with an extremely tasty Blueberry Pomegranet Smoothie from...
...Yep, good old McD's.
Our GPS when we're lost, our Portal game during honeymoons, and Knights after Finals week (till 2:00 in the morning I might add.) Free wifi was an excellent idea on their part.
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