Tee hee hee, he'll never suspect it.
After he discovered his little surprise I went to meet up with him for a tasty picnic.
The wind kept up enough that we were able to eat outside without getting eaten ourselves by the gazillion mosquitoes that are perpetually present. That was a pleasant surprise for our anniversary lunch.
This was what was inside.. hehe, just building up the anticipation for a later and more spectacular surprise.
And a little bonus to make it a bit more exciting at the moment.
The gift that I'd been working on since our engagement was finally ready! All wrapped and finished up the long awaited surprise (that he didn't even know existed) was about to be revealed.
The Jerusalem Box!
Ta da! There it is! All the things that I'd gathered from the Holy Land categorized, indexed, explained, and backed up by scriptures, stories and pictures
More than a year in the works but was well worth the wait. Everything I learned and experienced in Jerusalem brought home to Dustin, an attempt to share the journey with him.
Now time for CAKE :D
Dustin surprised me with the best kind of cake EVER and a genius idea for a tradition to keep throughout the years of our life. A small book with hard copies of the pictures of the things we'd done that year together, a project that we'd get to do together just to remember all the good times we'd had. I loved it!
Then of course, GAME TIME!
Best first year anniversary we've ever had ;D